Resource communities research

The 2023 editions of the Bowen Basin population report and Surat Basin population report are now available.

Resource industry workforce reports for the North West region and Bowen Basin are also available.

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office (QGSO) resource communities research program monitors the population and accommodation impacts of resource developments in Queensland.

The program involves the collection, analysis and reporting of population, workforce and accommodation data for Queensland resource regions, including the Bowen Basin, Surat Basin and North West region. Data are collected directly from resource companies, accommodation providers and other sources on an annual basis.

We provide a range of data and services to inform planning and policy, including:

  • annual estimates of the non–resident fly‑in/fly‑out and drive‑in/drive‑out (FIFO/DIDO) and resident populations for local government areas and population centres in resource regions
  • information on the supply and take‑up of commercial accommodation, including worker accommodation villages, hotels, motels and caravan parks
  • information on the characteristics and place of residence of resource industry workforces
  • input into QGSO’s official resident population projections
  • analysis and advice on the population, workforce and worker accommodation to government agencies, the private sector and community organisations.

The resource communities research program outputs contain information about FIFO/DIDO workers by local government areas (LGA) in each of the resource regions. If you are looking for detailed statistics about usual residents of these regions, data by LGA can be found in the Queensland regional database.

Last reviewed