Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples Population characteristics

Statistics related to the characteristics of Queensland's Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Data include information on social and economic characteristics of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their spatial distribution across Queensland.

Current Releases

Australian Indigenous languages, Queensland, Census 2021 (report)

Last reviewed

This report presents information on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders speaking Australian Indigenous languages from the 2021 Census. Information is disaggregated by:

  • geography
  • age group and sex
  • English proficiency
  • languages 
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status.
Australian Indigenous languages, Queensland, Census 2021
pdf (280.13 KB)

Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, Census 2021 Snapshot (report)

Last reviewed

This statistical snapshot presents information on Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, based on data from the 2021 and earlier censuses. It features changes to the counts of Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by sex and age structure since 2011, and growth in the population since 1971. Housing, income, education and language characteristics of Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are also described. 

Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, Census 2021 Snapshot
pdf (207.36 KB)

Education and labour force characteristics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Queensland, Census 2016 Snapshot (report)

Last reviewed

This statistical snapshot presents information on the education and labour force characteristics of Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples based on data from the 2016 census. The snapshot describes reported engagement in education, training and work. It also explores the variation in qualification levels in different regions of the state and the link between qualification levels and employment.

Education and labour force characteristics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Queensland, Census 2016 Snapshot
pdf (217.22 KB)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders in the labour force, 2018–19 (report)

Last reviewed

This brief presents information on the labour force characteristics of Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander working–age population (15–64 years). Topics presented include labour force participation, employment by remoteness region and Indigenous status, and employment levels over time.

The source of data in this brief is the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey, released 11 December 2019. These data are not comparable with labour force statistics sourced from either the Census of Population and Housing, or the Labour Force Survey (ABS 6202.0). Non-Indigenous comparative data are from the 2018 Education and Work Survey (ABS 6227.0).

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders in the labour force, 2018–19
pdf (96.79 KB)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Queensland, Census 2016 (report)

Last reviewed

This bulletin presents information on Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents using data from the 2016 Census. Information is included on topics such as:

  • usual resident counts in Queensland compared with other states and territories
  • regional population distribution
  • Australian Indigenous languages spoken at home
  • household income
  • housing
  • education
  • labour force characteristics.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Queensland, Census 2016
pdf (367.72 KB)

Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, Census 2016 Snapshot (report)

Last reviewed

This statistical snapshot presents information on Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, based on data from the 2016 and earlier censuses. It features changes to the counts of Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by sex and age structure since 2006, and growth in the population since 1971. Housing, income, education and language characteristics of Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are also described. 

Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, Census 2016 Snapshot
pdf (251.89 KB)

Past Releases

The content in past releases may contain data for historical periods that have been revised in the latest release. For this reason, data should always be accessed from the latest release. Past releases are provided for reference purposes only.

Indigenous Regional Profiles, Census 2011 (report)

Last reviewed

Note: Indigenous profiles are now included as a report type within the Queensland Regional Profiles. These profiles have replaced the former Excel version of the Indigenous Regional Profiles.

The Indigenous Regional Profile (IRP) provides a printable summary of Census 2011 Indigenous (and non-Indigenous) statistics relating to persons and households in Australian states and sub-state areas within Queensland. Note: ZIP files below contain XLS files.


Regions for the profile are selected by the user using check-boxes. The region types are available under either the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) version or the older Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) version. 

The region types available for user selection in the ASGS version include:

  • Australia
  • Australian state/territory
  • Queensland statistical area level 4
  • Queensland statistical area level 3
  • Queensland statistical area level 2
  • Queensland Indigenous region
  • Queensland Indigenous area
  • Queensland Indigenous location

The region types available for user selection in the ASGC version include:

  • Australia
  • Australian state/territory
  • Queensland statistical division
  • Queensland statistical sub-division
  • Queensland statistical local area
  • Queensland local government area
  • Queensland Indigenous region
  • Queensland Indigenous area
  • Queensland Indigenous location

Layout of profile

The profile consists of tables, graphs and commentary on a variety of topics. Topics include:

  • Population structure
  • Indigenous status
  • Family & household structure
  • Community wellbeing
  • Education
  • Vulnerable families & children
  • Employment
  • Income
  • Housing
ASGS version
zip (2.94 MB)
ASGC version
zip (2.86 MB)

Labour force and education characteristics of Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons, Census 2011 (report)

Last reviewed

This bulletin presents information on the labour force and education characteristics of Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents using 2011 Census data. Topics presented include labour force participation, unemployment, employment by sector, occupation and income, and non-school qualifications.

The source of data in this bulletin is the 2011 Census of Population and Housing by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Labour force and education characteristics of Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons, Census 2011
pdf (312.38 KB)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population in Queensland, Census 2011 (report)

Last reviewed

This bulletin* presents information on Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents using 2011 Census data. Topics presented include counts and regional distribution of usual residents, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin, demographic characteristics, languages spoken at home, education, household and family composition, household income and housing tenure and utilisation.

*2nd edition — with amendments as shown in footnotes.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population in Queensland, Census 2011
pdf (223.07 KB)
Last reviewed