Population and household characteristics Growth highlights

Statistics related to population change and the components of population change for Queensland and its sub-state regions.

In 2022–23 an extra 138,472 people called Queensland home, with more than 60% of the growth coming as a result of a record population gain through net overseas migration (84,000 people).
Queensland was home to 1 in 5 Australians (20.5%), up from 19.0% 20 years earlier.Graphic showing one maroon person icon and four white person icons (depicting 1 in 5 people)
Seniors (those aged 65 years and over) remain the fastest growing population group in Queensland, with the number of seniors more than doubling over the 20 years to 2023 to 926,700 persons.

Queensland’s population growth rate was the third–fastest in Australia in 2022–23.

Note – Highlighted data refers to the year to 30 June 2023 unless otherwise specified.


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