Population estimates Regions

Statistical releases related to population estimates for Queensland’s regions.

  • Seven of Queensland’s top 10 LGAs by population size at 30 June 2023 were located in South East Queensland (SEQ).

Current Releases

Population by age and sex, regions of Queensland (report)

Last reviewed

This brief provides an age and sex profile for the population of Queensland and selected local government areas, based on information released annually by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in its publication Population by age and sex, regions of Australia.

pdf (575.49 KB)

Age and sex indicators (table)

Last reviewed

Data tables detailing age groups, dependency ratios and median ages.

Age and sex indicators
Local government areas (LGA), 30 June 2023
csv (6.54 KB)
Statistical area level 2 (SA2), 30 June 2023
csv (41.8 KB)

Estimated resident population by SA1 (ABS consultancy) (table)

Last reviewed

The Queensland Government has obtained the customised data report, available below, from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Information Consultancy Service. This report has been made freely available on the Queensland Government Statistician's Office website under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) international licence. Please refer to the licence conditions contained within this report for further information on the licence terms. This customised data report has been provided "as supplied" by the ABS.

The smallest geographic level for which estimated resident populations (ERP) are officially prepared and validated is Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2). ERP by SA1 is then prepared by breaking down the SA2 ERPs based on SA1–level census counts (for census year ERP) and other indicators (for non-census years). ERP at the SA1 level must be used with caution, with an understanding that they are not precise, and that they are essentially prepared to be built up to other levels. No validation of these SA1-level estimates is undertaken and several cautionary notes about the reliability of these estimates are included in the explanatory notes.

Estimated resident population by SA1 (ABS consultancy)
Statistical area level 1 (SA1), Australia, 2011 to 2023p (ASGS Edition 3, 2021)
xlsx (5.03 MB)
Single year of age, by sex, by statistical area levels 1 and 2 (SA1 & SA2) and LGA, Queensland and Tweed, 2011 to 2023p (ASGS Edition 3, 2021)
xlsx (108.51 MB)

Estimated resident population (ERP) (table)

Last reviewed

The estimated resident population (ERP) figure is the official population estimate published by the ABS, and represents the best possible estimate of the resident population.

Estimated resident population (ERP)
Local government area (LGA), Queensland, 2001 to 2023p
csv (16.05 KB)
Statistical area, level 2 (SA2), Queensland, 2001 to 2023p
csv (165.16 KB)
Urban centre and locality, Queensland, 2001 to 2023p
csv (119.65 KB)
Urban centre by state and territory, as at 30 June 2023p
csv (1.27 KB)
City by state and territory, as at 30 June 2023p
csv (1.01 KB)

Population growth, regional Queensland (report)

Last reviewed

The Population growth, regional Queensland brief presents selected statistics on the estimated resident population (ERP) of Queensland local government areas (LGAs) and statistical areas level 2 (SA2s), as released annually in the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publication Regional population growth (ABS).

pdf (189.4 KB)

Rebased estimated resident population, regional Queensland (report)

Last reviewed

This report presents revised population estimates based on results from the 20162021 Census, as released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in the publication Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2016Regional population, 2021 on 28 July 201726 July 2022. It includes preliminary rebased estimated resident population for selected local government areas in Queensland at 30 June 201630 June 2021, and compares these figures with earlier estimates released on 30 March 201729 March 2022, prior to rebasing.

pdf (183.27 KB)

Past Releases

The content in past releases may contain data for historical periods that have been revised in the latest release. For this reason, data should always be accessed from the latest release. Past releases are provided for reference purposes only.

Population by age and sex, regions of Queensland (report)

Last reviewed

This brief provides an age and sex profile for the population of Queensland and selected local government areas, based on information released annually by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in its publication Population by age and sex, regions of Australia.

pdf (267.08 KB)

Population growth, regional Queensland (report)

Last reviewed

The Population growth, regional Queensland brief presents selected statistics on the estimated resident population (ERP) of Queensland local government areas (LGAs) and statistical areas level 2 (SA2s), as released annually in the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publication Regional population growth (ABS).

pdf (156.84 KB)

Rebased estimated resident population, regional Queensland (report)

Last reviewed

This report presents revised population estimates based on results from the 20162021 Census, as released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in the publication Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2016Regional population, 2021 on 28 July 201726 July 2022. It includes preliminary rebased estimated resident population for selected local government areas in Queensland at 30 June 201630 June 2021, and compares these figures with earlier estimates released on 30 March 201729 March 2022, prior to rebasing.

pdf (40.45 KB)
Last reviewed