Population and household characteristics Diversity

Statistics related to cultural diversity in Queensland. These publications provide analysis on the social, cultural and economic characteristics of Queenslanders from different cultural backgrounds.

Current Releases

Diversity Figures, Census 2021 (report)

Last reviewed

The Multicultural Affairs Queensland, in partnership with the Queensland Government Statistician's Office, produced a report and accompanying 'snapshot' to provide a statistical summary of the diversity of Queensland's population.  Diversity Figures brings together core demographic and diversity data from the ABS 2021 Census of Population and Housing.

There are a number of social and cultural characteristics featured in the Diversity Figures including:

  • country of birth of overseas born people in Queensland
  • geographic distribution of Queensland’s diverse population
  • language spoken other than English, and English proficiency
  • religious affiliation of Queensland’s population
  • ancestry of Queensland’s population
  • education and employment characteristics.

The publication can be viewed on the Multicultural Affairs Queensland website.

Australian South Sea Islanders in Queensland, Census 2021 (report)

Last reviewed

This publication presents information on Queensland’s Australian South Sea Islander peoples based on data from the 2021 census. The report features information on the population size and location, associated ancestries, health, housing, education and labour force characteristics.

Australian South Sea Islanders in Queensland, Census 2021
pdf (310.8 KB)

Queensland's Australian South Sea Islander population, Census 2016 snapshot (report)

Last reviewed

This statistical snapshot presents information on Queensland’s Australian South Sea Islander peoples based on data from the 2016 census. The snapshot features the age and sex distribution of the Queensland Australian South Sea Islander population compared with the rest of Queensland, in addition to labour force and education characteristics.

Queensland's Australian South Sea Islander population, Census 2016 snapshot
pdf (110.71 KB)

Past Releases

The content in past releases may contain data for historical periods that have been revised in the latest release. For this reason, data should always be accessed from the latest release. Past releases are provided for reference purposes only.

Labour market analysis of persons from non–English speaking backgrounds in Queensland (report)

Last reviewed

This publication presents a labour market analysis of Queensland residents who were born overseas in a non–English speaking country using data from the 2011 Census of Population and Housing collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Topics presented include regional population distribution, age and gender profile, labour force status, employment by industry and occupation, non-school qualifications and income. Some comparisons with data from the 2006 Census are included to examine any change over the five year period.

Labour market analysis of persons from non-English speaking backgrounds in Queensland
pdf (366.64 KB)
Last reviewed