Crime and justice statistics Recorded crime

Statistical releases relating to crime reported to or detected by police in Queensland. These include counts and rates of recorded and cleared offences, victims of offences against the person, and alleged offenders.

Current Releases

Crime report, Queensland (report)

Last reviewed

The Crime report, Queensland provides an overview of the volume and nature of crime in Queensland, as reported to (by victims, witnesses or other persons) or detected by the Queensland Police Service. Detailed statistics relating to victims of offences against the person and alleged offenders in all offence categories are featured, as well as statistics for recorded and cleared offences.

pdf (18.17 MB)

Past Releases

The content in past releases may contain data for historical periods that have been revised in the latest release. For this reason, data should always be accessed from the latest release. Past releases are provided for reference purposes only.

COVID-19 Impact on crime (report)

Last reviewed

Analyses presented in the COVID-19 impact on recorded crime, March–October 2020 paper show that Queensland’s monthly total recorded crime rates were significantly lower than expected between March and October 2020 following the implementation of COVID-19 containment measures.

March to October 2020
pdf (556.59 KB)

Crime report, Queensland (report)

Last reviewed

The Crime report, Queensland provides an overview of the volume and nature of crime in Queensland, as reported to (by victims, witnesses or other persons) or detected by the Queensland Police Service. Detailed statistics relating to victims of offences against the person and alleged offenders in all offence categories are featured, as well as statistics for recorded and cleared offences.

pdf (11.33 MB)
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pdf (7.91 MB)
Last reviewed