Population estimates State and territories
Statistical releases related to population estimates for Queensland and other states and territories. This population counter is also available to show an estimate of Queensland’s current population.
- Queensland's preliminary ERP at 30 June 2024 was 5,586,322 persons (20.5% of the Australian population).
Current Releases
Population growth, Queensland (report)
Population growth, Queensland presents quarterly Queensland statistics on estimated resident population, natural increase, overseas and interstate net migration, as released in the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publication National, state and territory population.
Components of population change (persons), Queensland, June quarter 1981 to June quarter 2024 (table)
This table provides a quarterly time series of the components of population change in estimated resident population for Queensland. These components include natural increase, net overseas migration and interstate arrivals and departures.
Rebased Estimated Resident Population, Queensland (report)
Rebased Estimated Resident Population, Queensland, 2021 presents revised population estimates based on results from the 2021 Census, as released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in the publication National, state and territory population, Dec 2021 on 28 June 2022. It includes preliminary rebased estimated resident population for Queensland at 30 June for the five years 2017 to 2021, and estimates for components of population change since 2016.
Rebased Estimated Resident Population, Queensland, 2016 presents revised population estimates based on results from the 2016 Census, as released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in the publication Australian Demographic Statistics, Dec 2016 (ABS 3101.0) on 27 June 2017. It includes preliminary rebased estimated resident population for Queensland at 30 June for the five years 2012 to 2016, and estimates for components of population change since 2011.
Past Releases
The content in past releases may contain data for historical periods that have been revised in the latest release. For this reason, data should always be accessed from the latest release. Past releases are provided for reference purposes only.
Population growth, Queensland (report)
Population growth, Queensland presents quarterly Queensland statistics on estimated resident population, natural increase, overseas and interstate net migration, as released in the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) publication National, state and territory population.
Rebased Estimated Resident Population, Queensland (report)
Rebased Estimated Resident Population, Queensland, 2021 presents revised population estimates based on results from the 2021 Census, as released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in the publication National, state and territory population, Dec 2021 on 28 June 2022. It includes preliminary rebased estimated resident population for Queensland at 30 June for the five years 2017 to 2021, and estimates for components of population change since 2016.
Rebased Estimated Resident Population, Queensland, 2016 presents revised population estimates based on results from the 2016 Census, as released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in the publication Australian Demographic Statistics, Dec 2016 (ABS 3101.0) on 27 June 2017. It includes preliminary rebased estimated resident population for Queensland at 30 June for the five years 2012 to 2016, and estimates for components of population change since 2011.
Population: Rebased estimates, Queensland 2007 to 2011 (report)
Population: Rebased estimates, Queensland 2007 to 2011 presents revised population estimates based on results from the 2011 Census, as released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in the publication Australian Demographic Statistics, Dec 2011 (ABS 3101.0). It includes rebased estimated resident population for Queensland at 30 June for the five years 2007 to 2011 and estimates for components of population change since 2006.