Population projections State

The 2023 edition Queensland Government population projections were produced in late 2022. Since then, updated demographic information was released and this was used to produce the 2023 edition update. This update focused on the population projections for the State of Queensland as well as Greater Brisbane GCCSA and Rest of Queensland SA4s only. The 2023 edition products remain the current version for all other projections products. Each product is labelled with either 2023 edition or 2023 edition update. Please be mindful of the associated version of the product used.

Statistics providing Queensland–level projected population. Data are available by age group and sex.

Additional reports and tables are available on the following related pages:

  • Overview – a report providing a spatial and temporal overview of Queensland's projected population change. Reference material including a description of the population projection methodologies and assumptions, and background research, are also available.
  • Regions – projected population by age and sex and components of population change for Queensland regions.

Population projections data for the 2023 edition are also available in the Queensland regional profiles and the Queensland regional database.

Current Releases

Queensland Government population projections: Queensland (report)

Last reviewed

This publication provides a spatial and temporal overview of Queensland’s projected population based on the 2023 edition.

Region level summaries are also available:

Please note: Each edition of the Queensland Government population projections is compiled using the latest information available at time of production. These components change over time and, therefore, direct comparisons should not be made between these projections and past and future editions.

Queensland Government population projections: Frequently asked questions

Reference information regarding the research processes, methodology and assumptions used to produce these projections is available on the Overview page.

2023 edition
pdf (290 KB)

Projected population, by five–year age group and sex, Queensland, 2021 to 2071 (table)

Last reviewed

This table provides a time series of the projected population of Queensland by five–year age group and sex. Three series of projections (low, medium and high) are provided to account for a range of possible outcomes.

This table was produced using data from the Queensland Government population projections 2023 edition.

Projected population, by five–year age group and sex, Queensland, 2021 to 2071
xlsx (520 KB)

Projected population, by series, Queensland, 2021 to 2071 (table)

Last reviewed

This table provides a time series of the projected population of Queensland from 2021 to 2071. Three series of projections (low, medium and high) are provided to account for a range of possible outcomes.

This table was produced using data from the Queensland Government population projections 2023 edition.

Projected population, by series, Queensland, 2021 to 2071
xlsx (89 KB)

Projected population, by single year of age (males, females and persons), Queensland, 2021 to 2071 (table)

Last reviewed

This table provides a time series of the projected population of Queensland by single year of age and sex. Three series of projections (low, medium and high) are provided to account for a range of possible outcomes.

This table was produced using data from the Queensland Government population projections 2023 edition.

Projected population, by single year of age (males, females and persons), Queensland, 2021 to 2071
xlsx (760 KB)
Last reviewed