Queensland Government gazettes local government areas (LGAs) for the state. These state-defined areas are used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to derive the LGA spatial units defined under the non-ABS structures of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS).
The ASGS is generally a hierarchical geographical classification, defined by the ABS, which is used in the collection and dissemination of official statistics. The ASGS provides a common framework of statistical geography and thereby enables the production of statistics which are comparable and can be spatially integrated. This is the third edition (ASGS 2021).
The table below provides individual maps for each of the 78 ASGS local government areas within Queensland in a pdf format. These LGA maps are an ABS mesh block approximation of gazetted local government boundaries and therefore should only be used for statistical purposes.
Note: (C) = City (R) = Regional Council (S) = Shire (T) = Town
Aurukun (S)
pdf (526.16 KB) |
Balonne (S)
pdf (728.64 KB) |
Banana (S)
pdf (1.13 MB) |
Barcaldine (R)
pdf (539.38 KB) |
Barcoo (S)
pdf (450.05 KB) |
Blackall-Tambo (R)
pdf (799.09 KB) |
Boulia (S)
pdf (596.15 KB) |
Brisbane (C)
pdf (2 MB) |
Bulloo (S)
pdf (451.32 KB) |
Bundaberg (R)
pdf (1.23 MB) |
Burdekin (S)
pdf (764.83 KB) |
Burke (S)
pdf (678.11 KB) |
Cairns (R)
pdf (1.45 MB) |
Carpentaria (S)
pdf (720.65 KB) |
Cassowary Coast (R)
pdf (1.24 MB) |
Central Highlands (R)
pdf (1.34 MB) |
Charters Towers (R)
pdf (771.92 KB) |
Cherbourg (S)
pdf (754.75 KB) |
Cloncurry (S)
pdf (535.1 KB) |
Cook (S)
pdf (1023.03 KB) |
Croydon (S)
pdf (509.32 KB) |
Diamantina (S)
pdf (465.56 KB) |
Doomadgee (S)
pdf (442.94 KB) |
Douglas (S)
pdf (1.17 MB) |
Etheridge (S)
pdf (716.52 KB) |
Flinders (S)
pdf (642.17 KB) |
Fraser Coast (R)
pdf (1.26 MB) |
Gladstone (R)
pdf (911.83 KB) |
Gold Coast (C)
pdf (1.4 MB) |
Goondiwindi (R)
pdf (1.06 MB) |
Gympie (R)
pdf (1.52 MB) |
Hinchinbrook (S)
pdf (1.15 MB) |
Hope Vale (S)
pdf (528.46 KB) |
Ipswich (C)
pdf (1.17 MB) |
Isaac (R)
pdf (959.22 KB) |
Kowanyama (S)
pdf (429.96 KB) |
Livingstone (S)
pdf (721.31 KB) |
Lockhart River (S)
pdf (583.23 KB) |
Lockyer Valley (R)
pdf (1.21 MB) |
Logan (C)
pdf (1.36 MB) |
Longreach (R)
pdf (654.14 KB) |
Mackay (R)
pdf (809.57 KB) |
Mapoon (S)
pdf (412.43 KB) |
Maranoa (R)
pdf (1.02 MB) |
Mareeba (S)
pdf (1.19 MB) |
McKinlay (S)
pdf (588.91 KB) |
Moreton Bay (C)
pdf (982.74 KB) |
Mornington (S)
pdf (507.41 KB) |
Mount Isa (C)
pdf (599.48 KB) |
Murweh (S)
pdf (901.21 KB) |
Napranum (S)
pdf (520.15 KB) |
Noosa (S)
pdf (1.49 MB) |
North Burnett (R)
pdf (996.55 KB) |
Northern Peninsula Area (R)
pdf (637.25 KB) |
Palm Island (S)
pdf (606.96 KB) |
Paroo (S)
pdf (749.7 KB) |
Pormpuraaw (S)
pdf (393.01 KB) |
Quilpie (S)
pdf (436.54 KB) |
Redland (C)
pdf (1.69 MB) |
Richmond (S)
pdf (496.72 KB) |
Rockhampton (R)
pdf (947.32 KB) |
Scenic Rim (R)
pdf (1.69 MB) |
Somerset (R)
pdf (1.66 MB) |
South Burnett (R)
pdf (1.08 MB) |
Southern Downs (R)
pdf (1.16 MB) |
Sunshine Coast (R)
pdf (1.44 MB) |
Tablelands (R)
pdf (1.38 MB) |
Toowoomba (R)
pdf (1.43 MB) |
Torres (S)
pdf (532.38 KB) |
Torres Strait Island (R)
pdf (416.6 KB) |
Townsville (C)
pdf (819.44 KB) |
Weipa (T)
pdf (738.05 KB) |
Western Downs (R)
pdf (1.07 MB) |
Whitsunday (R)
pdf (997.22 KB) |
Winton (S)
pdf (498.04 KB) |
Woorabinda (S)
pdf (729.48 KB) |
Wujal Wujal (S)
pdf (618.82 KB) |
Yarrabah (S)
pdf (965.52 KB) |