Our service charter

About the charter

This charter explains who we are, our services, our service commitment, and how you can provide feedback in relation to any contact you have with us.

About QGSO

Queensland Government Statistician’s Office (QGSO), located in Queensland Treasury, is Queensland Government’s lead statistical agency, and we provide statistical and demographic research services for government. Through providing accurate and timely statistical data we support better decision making to advance Queensland.

We have legislative authority under the Statistical Returns Act 1896 (the Act) to collect and publish statistics and maintain high quality sampling frames for conducting official surveys.

Our services

We provide a broad range of expert services to support national, whole-of-government and agency policies, programs, and service delivery decisions.

We provide a range of statistical products relevant to Queensland, free of charge on our website. Please visit the Contact us page for office contact information to request a statistic. More complex data requests and services are provided on a cost recovery basis.

We provide statistical and demographic research and advice across government including reports, raw data and maps across a range of topics. We also assist government agencies and organisations through:

  • Crime statistics and research – we produce statistical information related to reported crime and criminal justice in Queensland, and undertake research into ongoing and emergent criminal justice system issues.
  • Research collaboration and advice – we collaborate with universities, research institutions and other Queensland Government agencies on research projects, and provide advice on data gathering, integration, reporting and analysis.
  • Projections and forecasts – we construct models of systems and project data, which include population, households and dwellings, and school enrolments data.
  • Data services – we develop customised statistical information systems for Queensland Government departments and local governments.
  • Data management – we maintain statistical collections on behalf of other government agencies, and provide guidance and assistance with data management.
  • Surveys – we conduct official surveys on behalf of Queensland Government agencies.
  • Evaluation and performance measurement – we conduct, and provide advice in relation to, evaluations and performance measurement of government policies and programs.
  • Working with other statistics providers – we maintain an integrated statistical service across governments, and represent Queensland Government in national statistical forums.

Our service commitment

We are committed to knowledge sharing and to enabling access to information products and services, and in so doing will individually and collectively uphold Queensland’s public service values.

In providing service to you, in addition to these values we are committed to the highest standards in statistical services, outputs and client relationships, and we will:

  • continually look for opportunities to improve quality and increase efficiencies for all services
  • undertake quality assurance at all stages of statistical data collection, analysis and dissemination
  • comply with the legislative requirements of the Information Privacy Act 2009 for collecting and handling personal information, including maintaining high level security procedures to protect the confidentiality of information. Information collected by QGSO under the authority of the Statistical Returns Act is also bound by the secrecy provisions of the Act. This prohibits any person divulging or communicating any information obtained under the Act except in accordance with a direction from the Queensland Government Statistician.
  • balance our responsibility to lawfully collect and publish information with responsibilities contained in the Human Rights Act 2019
  • operate a quality management system which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for survey and research services, including the design, development and provision of processes to collect, collate, interpret, analyse and disseminate primary and secondary statistical information
  • have clear and transparent governance arrangements in place, including for management approval and oversight of fee-for-service engagements
  • use proven project management methods and integrated project and document management
  • value, respect and communicate with survey participants in keeping with relevant standards.

Fee-for-service engagements

We provide both ad hoc and long-term services to public sector agencies. Such service engagements are at the agreement of both the client and QGSO management – through MOU, project agreement, agreement or contract.

Our people

Our expert capabilities include statistical data management and analysis, survey and mathematical methodologies, project management, report writing, client and stakeholder relationships, and financial management.

Our management team includes:

  • Antony Skinner, Queensland Government Statistician
  • Penny Marshall, Assistant Government Statistician (Crime Statistics and Research)
  • Sandi Van Roo, Assistant Government Statistician (Demography and Indigenous Statistics)
  • Greg Watts, Assistant Government Statistician (Information Products and Spatial Analysis)
  • Todd Sansness, Assistant Government Statistician (Statistical Collection, Integration and Analysis)


We take our client service standards seriously and welcome feedback and suggestions on any aspect of our business.

Please visit the Contact us page for office contact information.

Alternatively, you can lodge feedback about your contact with us via the Queensland Government website Complaints and compliments form.  


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